- April 5, 2022
Renew the “RUP” of your Company Before the Deadline
- by BéndiksenLaw
All individuals or corporations, whether Colombian or foreign with domicile or a branch office in Colombia, who are interested in entering into contracts with Colombian public entities, must register, at any time, in the Registry of Proponents (“RUP”, by its Spanish acronym) of the Business Registry (“RUES”, by its Spanish acronym) of the Chamber of Commerce of their main domicile, in accordance with the provisions of Decree 19 of 2012. This registry contains all the information related to the experience, legal, financial and organizational capacity of the individual or corporation, their classification according to the goods and services they offer and the fines or ineligibilities that have been imposed on them during the performance of other contracts.
However, the information contained in this registry must be renewed annually. Consequently, persons registered in the RUP must submit the information to renew their registration no later than the fifth business day of April of each year, otherwise the effects of the RUP will cease. That is, the registration will be automatically cancelled in case of non-renewal. The foregoing does not prevent the information recorded regarding their experience and legal capacity from being updated at any time. To carry out this renewal, the RUES form must be completed and filed together with its annex 2, which corresponds to the RUP, and the supporting documents before the Chamber of Commerce and, subsequently, payment must be made of the corresponding fee.
Bear in mind that the law establishes certain exceptions with respect to the obligation to be registered in the RUP to enter into contracts with Colombian public entities, such as cases of direct contracting, agreements for the provision of health services, minimum value agreements, alienation of State property, agreements whose purpose is the acquisition of products of agricultural origin or destination through commodity exchanges, acts and agreements whose purpose is the commercial and industrial activities inherent to industrial and commercial State companies and mixed ownership companies, and concession agreements of any kind.
If you have doubts regarding the procedure you must follow or the documents that you must present or fill out to carry out the renewal, registration or modification of the RUP, do not hesitate to contact us.