- June 21, 2022
Time Frame for Responding to Requests for Information are Back to Normal
- by BéndiksenLaw
Article 23 of the Colombian Constitution recognizes citizens’ right to submit requests and petitions before the authorities, in order to obtain information on situations of general and/or particular interest. In addition, the Colombian Code of Administrative Procedure establishes that it is possible for citizens to also file petitions before private organizations when it is necessary to guarantee their fundamental rights. These requests must be answered within the term that the law indicates.
In this regard, bear in mind that within the framework of the health emergency caused by COVID-19, Legislative Decree 491 of 2020 was issued, which established an extension of said terms. Thus, public and private entities that received petitions had a longer period to give a substantive response to the requests that were submitted to them. However, on May 17, through Law 2207 of 2022, this measure was repealed, so terms to respond to the different requests are once again those indicated in article 14 of the Colombian Code of Administrative Procedure, namely:
- For documents and information requests, entities will have ten (10) business days to respond counted from the receipt of the request.
- For requests addressed to the authorities on consultations regarding issues that are in their charge, thirty (30) business days, counted from the receipt of the request.
- Other requests that are not within any of the aforementioned cases must be resolved within fifteen (15) business days.
For more information, do not hesitate to contact us.