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Requirement of Pre-Tax Registry to Create a Business before the Bogota Chamber of Commerce is Eliminated

One of the essential requirements to create a company, open branches of a foreign company or register non-profit entities, is the completion of a draft of the Tax Registry (RUT, by its Spanish acronym), known as “pre-RUT” and its filing before the Chamber of Commerce. This form contains all the information that allows the identification of the company and the individuals that constitute it. However, in order to simplify and expedite this process, the Bogota Chamber of Commerce and the Colombian National Tax Authority (DIAN, by its Spanish acronym) reached an agreement to eliminate this requirement.

The completion and submission of this “pre-RUT” form represented an additional process since it had to be reviewed and approved by DIAN officers, which implied a longer waiting time in the generation of the commercial registration. However, thanks to this decision to eliminate the “pre-RUT”, it is now only necessary to fill out the Business Registry Form (“RUES”, by its Spanish acronym) and submit it before the Bogota Chamber of Commerce virtually or in person, along with the other forms and documents required according to the type of company to be created. Once this application is submitted, the Tax Identification Number (NIT, by its Spanish acronym) will be obtained automatically and immediately, without any additional process being required.

It must be noted that the elimination of this requirement applies only to the Bogota Chamber of Commerce, that is, in the city of Bogotá and in the municipalities of Cundinamarca in which it has jurisdiction. However, it is expected that in the near future more Chambers of Commerce will join this decision in order to simplify this procedure throughout the country.

In case you require more information, do not hesitate to contact us.